
Perform Data Analysis on the Simulation In Loop Test Report Generation.

So the Name SIMulation QUALity Analyzer.

As a tribute to Mr. GUIDO Van Rossum, it's SimQualGuido


  • Developed in Python

  • Object Oriented Architecture segregating the Project Specific Classes & Generic Computation classes to provide maximum flexibility

  • Used in all European Customer ADAS Function Projects.


  • Generates Excel report for each intermediate Stage.

  • Data is consolidated at Job Level, Project Configuration Level.

  • Final Consolidation at the final stage.

  • A Framework which can be adapted to any Europe Customer ADAS project with minimal effort.

Why was this Tool Developed?

  • Simulation In Loop (SIL) Test Report Generation involves multiple computing platforms and tool chain involving multiple stakeholders:

    • ADAS Algorithm is the Software to be tested in SIL Environment.

    • Algorithm is tested for performance for Recordings created by 2 Lakhs KM vehicle Data.

    • The Simulation happens on High Performance Computers.

    • Simulations are submitted as Jobs and the job status is returned as exit codes depending on the simulation status.

  • Multiple factors affect the quality of recordings and the reliability of the simulation stage is affected.

  • SimQualGuido : Performs Data analysis on the data generated on each intermediate steps and provides useful insights on the Simulation Stage.

SIMulation QUALity Analyzer

GUIDO van Rossum

*All rights for this Tool reserved with Continental Autonomous Mobility.