DOORS Assistant*
A Framework to support DXL Script Execution
Features & Output
A Framework to support user friendly Input & Output mechanish to interact with the Scripts.
DXL Scripting to automate linking of Test cases and requirements. Input Excel sheet is read by the script and automatically linkage is done.
Output: Effort reduction from 5 days to 10minutes. Scalable Solution
Automated DXL Script to export all the DOORS documents to required format
Output: Effort reduction from 2 hours (Manager) to 10minutes. Scalable solution across projects
Script to validate the mandatory attributes: Attributes missing in the DOORs documents are reported.
Output: Ease of use for the team. Process adherence. Scalable solution across projects.
IBM Rational DOORS is used as the Requirement Management Tool.
The Tool is used to store artifacts like Requirements, Test Specifications and maintain the relationships between the artifacts.
During the Project activities, a lot of operations are done on DOORS manually, which consumes lot of time.
DXL Scripts can be developed to automate the tasks. But execution rights are limited and is not user friendly as there are no framework present.
This Assistant provides a seem less framework to support development & execution of new DXL Scripts.
Later, the Tool lost the charm as the new DOORS NXT Gen(Jazz) replaced the Classic Doors. :(
Jazz does support Automation with more friendly Python :)
*All rights for this Tool reserved with Continental Autonomous Mobility.
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