DOORS Assistant*

A Framework to support DXL Script Execution

Features & Output

  • A Framework to support user friendly Input & Output mechanish to interact with the Scripts.

  • DXL Scripting to automate linking of Test cases and requirements. Input Excel sheet is read by the script and automatically linkage is done.

    • Output: Effort reduction from 5 days to 10minutes. Scalable Solution

  • Automated DXL Script to export all the DOORS documents to required format

    • Output: Effort reduction from 2 hours (Manager) to 10minutes. Scalable solution across projects

  • Script to validate the mandatory attributes: Attributes missing in the DOORs documents are reported.

    • Output: Ease of use for the team. Process adherence. Scalable solution across projects.


  • IBM Rational DOORS is used as the Requirement Management Tool.

  • The Tool is used to store artifacts like Requirements, Test Specifications and maintain the relationships between the artifacts.

  • During the Project activities, a lot of operations are done on DOORS manually, which consumes lot of time.

  • DXL Scripts can be developed to automate the tasks. But execution rights are limited and is not user friendly as there are no framework present.

  • This Assistant provides a seem less framework to support development & execution of new DXL Scripts.


Later, the Tool lost the charm as the new DOORS NXT Gen(Jazz) replaced the Classic Doors. :(

Jazz does support Automation with more friendly Python :)

*All rights for this Tool reserved with Continental Autonomous Mobility.