Create And Crawl
Using this tool, you can automate any website usage on your own in 5 Minutes.!
Modular, Generic, Elegant & User-Friendly
Automatic Sign In to MOST websites.
Connects different environments: Continental internal webpages, Login Mechanisms, One Drive, Power BI.
Provides flexible automation framework where the Department Heads can automate the websites they access. Supported features: Button Clicks, Data Input, Right Click, Delay etc.
When the Manager logs in the morning, the tool runs in the background and generates the report & uploads to One Drive
Technologies Used: Selenium, Python, One Drive Automation, Power Automate
Automation Steps can be configured by the user.
Reports generation on the Websites, where only specific people has access, can be automated efficiently.
Where can I use this Tool?
You can use this tool with any website.
For example, the tool can:
Login to Gmail and select all Promotion emails every 1 week.
Login to your favorite music website and download all songs of a Genre.. (Yes, that sounds impossible, but my tool will do. :)
Using CreateAndCrawl, you can 'Create' your automation steps to 'Crawl' the webpages and do actions.
The best part, you don't have to save your password anywhere!!!!
'Crawl' I added here because, my daughter, Sharadhyuthi, was in crawling stage while I develop this tool :)
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+91 8762546879